Spring news international has drwan The attention of the Lagos State Police Commissioner over an alleged rape video purportedly depicting students of Chrisland School Lagos, going viral on social media.”
According to report“The Command has commenced investigations into the matter with a view to establishing the identities of the players in the video, the true incident in the video, the geographical location of the report the alleged threat to life against a student of the school and circumstances surrounding the alleged repeated pregnancy tests conducted on a student without parental consent.”
“The Command is equally taking cognizance of the cybercrime angle to the whole episode and would not hesitate to enlist the support of the Interpol should the need arise. For a holistic and unbiased investigation, the Command shall be working with relevant ministries, departments, agencies and non-governmental organizations.”
Meanwhile, the Lagos State Commissioner of Police, CP Abiodun Alabi, fdc, mnim, psc has assured that due diligence will be observed to ensure that there is no miscarriage of justice.